January 2018 Chapter Meeting Minutes

CRAMBA Chapter Meeting Minutes 1/16/18The meeting was held at Rochester Mills Beer Co. and was called to order at 7:05 by Steve Vigneau.27 members were in attendance.Previous meeting minutes were not read.STONY UPDATE-Bids are out for design to several companies.-Construction is expected to begin in 2019-The Metro Parks are writing grants to fund the project-The Metro Parks see the restructuring of the trails as necessary, to the future of the park-CRAMBA is giving $3,000 to the Metro Parks for development with more to come in the future.-The redesigned trail will begin and end at a parking lot and one of the goals is to allow fatbikes in the winter, and not interfere with the XC skiers.IMBA Local-Complete revision of IMBA by using local organizations such as MMBA.-The old system was IMBA took 50% of the annual donations. Now they will be taking $12 per donation, no matter how much the donation is. This could be as much as an extra $7,000 for CRAMBA.-You should notice no difference in the annual donation processREI Grant-$5000 was donated by REI and split between PLRA and Holdridge-We are also hoping for a 2018 grant as well.CHRIS WESTERLUND / EVENTS-Should have the events schedule finalized around late January early February-Chris also reported that CRAMBA reached its 2017 goal of expanding membership from 400-500 members.RIVER BENDS REPORT-5 or 6 grooms so far this year-Will not be grooming unless we receive over 4" of snow-New trailer for the snowmobile is working great. Old trailer will be sold for a nominal fee.-The park director wants to develop another area of the park. Plans are being made to possibly develop a bike park in this location within River Bends. Another meeting is planned for February. More to come.-Going to continue working on additional trail-Ay CRAMBA Its Cold Out is February 3rd and the backup date is 2/18/18. Pot luck, beer and wine allowed, bonfire, and multiple bike shops will be setup.-The weekly group rides on Tuesdays are still going throughout the winter.ADDISON REPORT-Grooming has been going on-Still waiting for clearance on additional 1 mile of trail to eliminate the asphalt section.CRPT REPORT-Approval has been received to work on problem sections this summer, trail dates to be announced later-Possible addition of 3 or 4 curved bridges-Will be losing the funding received from the annual 5k Run.BIKE PATROL-42 members logged 2,224 hours and 13,000 miles-Looking for new patrollers around April or May.MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:48Nest Chapter meeting will be April 17 at Rochester Mills Beer Co.


February CRAMBA Board Meeting


CRAMBA in 2017: Year in Review