October 2019 Membership Meeting

The October 2019 CRAMBA Membership meeting was called to order by Brian McPherson at 7:07 PM and 31 people were in attendance.  Board members present were Brian, McPherson, Steve Vigneau, Michael Reeves, Wade Robbins, Michael Green, and Roger Class.MEMBERSHIP: We currently have 454 members and the fall membership drive is underway.  October of 2018 CRAMBA had 90 renewals and new  sign-ups.  This October we have 22 already.  Prizes can be won during the Fall membership drive, they include a Yeti bicycle, Bike Flights packages, Western Spirit Cycling Adventures, and Jenson USA gift cards.  For  chance to win these prizes and contribute to CRAMBA's projects, visit CRAMBA.org/join.  Anytime you renew, it adds on to your current membership, and you can win great prizes.SIGNAGE:  New signage has gone up at CRPT, Bloomer, Holdridge, River Bends, and Pontiac Lake.STONY CREEK REDEVLEOPMENT:  The initial RFP was sent out and they received zero bids for the project.  All the trail builders are tied up with other projects at the moment.  The RFP will be reposted with a longer window.ADDISON OAKS RACE:  This years new course layout was a success and next years date will be Sunday September 13th.  CRAMBA raised approximately $2500 this year from the race.MASSIVE FALLOUT:  This years event was  a little wet but the trails were mostly good, and way better than last year.  Changes for future MFO's are being discussed.  For example, having it start and end at Addison Oaks and having a post ride party.  There may also be a gravel road options (i.e. 22,36,62 mile courses) for those that do not necessarily like to ride single track.  Multiple routes for different lengths of single track are also being considered. Including a 90 mile course with River Bends, CRPT, and Bald Mt South.AY! CRAMBA IT'S COLD OUT: Is coming up date TBD.MiSCA RACES:  The MiSCA Races at River Bends and Addison Oaks were a great success with over 300 racers at each event.  Bloomer race is this upcoming weekend and CRAMBA is fully supportive of these events.TRAIL UPDATES:  The new trail in Lapeer is coming along great and has a large group ride on Wednesday Nights.  Let's try and get up there and ride that trail.Columbus Park has had some bridge work and is coming into shape.  I believe he said there is 2.5-3 miles of trail there now.POSSIBLE CRAMBA REBRANDING:  It has been suggested that maybe CRAMBA look into rebranding to include all trail users.  I am sure there will be more discussion on this in the near future.  Stay tuned.ELECTIONS:  The new members of the Board will be as follows; Brain McPherson, Steve Vigneau, Michael Green, Wade Robbins, Mike Reeves, Ken Markiewicz, and Mark Padin.  The positions they will take on the board will be determined at the next board meeting this Thursday 10/10/19.


2019 CRAMBA Fall Membership Drive!


Addison Oaks Fall Classic is less than three weeks away!